Bourbon Street is fine for a random night like once or twice a year, but on a regular basis - it's just about the most obnoxious place on earth. It caters to a very "local" clientele who, I'm convinced, don't realize there is about a thousand other options in the city of Chicago.
I find it hilarious that at some points you stand in line to get into this place. It's nothing special - an overcrowded sports bar, an overcrowded (lame) dance club, a "warehouse" for bands and an outdoor area. You have a lot of options but the overall crowd and vibe is nauseating and you spend the whole time walking in circles trying to get to a bar or find a table or some sad member of your group that you lost. "VIP" members act like they own the place (it's Bourbon Street, seriously, get over yourselves) and the bouncers are truly some of the ruddest, egomaniacal a**holes I've ever come into contact with.
Hop a train and head into the city if you want a real night out. Save Bourbon Street for a desperate situation.
Pros: a whole lot in one spot
Cons: rude staff, way too crowded, too much hype and no delivery