To All of have written reviews about Rocky Mountain Urgent Care:\r
I am Nathan Moore and I am the president and CEO of Rocky Mountain Urgent Care. I can be reach at nmoore@rm-uc dot com. Our phone number is 303-695-1338. First of all, I want to say thank you for your reviews. They are not great reviews and they are all extremely embarassing to me and to Rocky Mountain Urgent Care. So I want to address your concerns and hopefully make RMUC a better place to be seen as a patient. I only have a limited amount of space, so email me if I haven't addressed your concerns here.\r
In order to write a response here, I had to do it as a review. Given all of your comments, I considered giving RMUC a ONE STAR rating as well. There appear to be a lot of concerns and confusion about our pricing, how our facilities look, the quality of our providers, and the timeliness of service at our facilities. These are all legitimate concerns. However, I honestly think that we are doing a better job than to be given a ONE STAR rating. We provide medical care with high quality physicians, every single day of the year. We treat over 100,000 patients a year in our facilities. We do it at one third the cost of the ER and with much shorter wait times. It is more expensive than primary care, but you don't need an appt, and we are open every day. Thus our costs are greater. Our pricing is confusing - I promise to make this more clear to our patients. Our providers are not going to know everything, and I would rather they send you to someone who knows the answer than simply guess. A full refund should be given. Our clinics can be busy - this is the nature of walk-in medical care. We try to staff appropriately, but we can't predict when 10 patients will show up at once. I want to make RMUC THE place you think about for urgent care. I promise to take to heart all of your comments and make RMUC a better place. Thank you again for your thoughts. Please post/send more!!