Don't bother going here. They just try to sell the most expensive dr|_|gs available which are fed down their throats by their buddies in the dr|_|g making business.\r
Even when you know a cheaper alternative and you ask for it because you've done research, you're told that their stupid remedies are better because $394 for topical creams is better than $20 pillls.\r
They moved me from room to room. Then after waiting 45 minutes past my appointment time I was told to wait another 45 minutes because she was busy doing a ""procedure"". What kind of service is this? You give me 1 minute of your time and charge me lots of money and when I want to see you again to talk about my prescription you throw me out the door?\r
TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE. I'm very upset at this poor service.
Cons: All you can think of.