I always prefer taking my used items to a thrift store instead of hauling them to the dump or going through the hassle of trying to sell them myself. It is a good feeling to know that your used items will still be useful to someone else and the profit from selling them will go to charity. That being said, if you are getting rid of anything other than clothes and exercise equipment, you had better be sure it is in perfect condition. Particularly furniture. This store is very picky about what furniture and electronic items it will accept. Also, if you were hoping to drop off your items and go, think again. Be prepared to wait around while the receiving person inspects your donation items. After a couple of experiences like this, I found that I am much better off taking my items to Alpha Thrift Store which is just a couple of miles further down Hollister. They accept your items right away, and if you don't need a receipt you can leave them and go.
Pros: Money goes to charity
Cons: Picky receiving