Mulligan's bar and Grill in Peachtree city Georgia is anything but a what some of the people on here been calling them that are confused with the bar with the same name north of Atlanta I believe this Mulligans is a nice place to stop in and have a bite to eat maybe do some karaoke.\r
So you idiots out there who don't know one mulligans from another get a life!\r
To the owners of mulligans here I would suggest that they advertise a little bit more especially for Sunday nights where the open mic night has recently been canceled this is due in my opinion to the fact that they have told no one in any way of advertising that I've seen that they had an open mic night. Just a small ad in the local paper probably would've brought them quite a bit of business because of the number of musicians looking for places to do this are not aware of the facilities of this establishment. Great for open mic, great for karaoke and the food is not bad.\r
By the way I do believe the owner is Oriental and the DJ is an African-American of course to see this you would actually have to have been there not just react with a negative post here.\r
Get your facts right dummies!