What is sewer gas? I was unaware of this information. : Sewer Gas is a complex mixture of toxic and non toxic gases that can be present at varying levels depending upon source. It is formed douring the decay of household and industrial waste. Highly toxic components of sewer gas include hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. Sewer gas also contains methane, carbon dioxide, sulfer dioxide, and nitrous oxides. In addition, chlorine bleaches, industrial solvents and gasoline are frequently present in municipal and privately owned- sewage treatment systems. How are people exposed to sewer gas?: Sewer gas can enter a building through an unsealed floor-drain, from a leaking or blocked roof vent, may be returned to occupied space via rooftop HVAC units, or (if the gasses are in soil adjacent to the building) through foundation cracks as a direct result of failed underground sanitary piping. What are the effects of exposure to sewer gas?: The principal risks and effects of exposure are as follow- 1) Hydrogen sulfide p o i s i o n. Exposure to low levels causes eye and/ or respritory tract irritation. Other symptoms include nervousness, dizziness, nausea, headache, and drowsiness. This gas smells like ""bad eggs"", even at extremely low concentrations. Exposure to higher levels can interfere with the sense of smell, making this warning signal unreliable. At extremely high levels, hydrogensulfide can cause immediate loss of conciousness, or even death. 2) -Asphyxiation. High concentrations of methane in inclosed areas can lead to suffocation as large ammountsof methane will decrease the ammount of oxygen in the air. The effects of oxygen defficiency includes headache, nausea, dizziness and unconciousness. At very low oxygen concentrations (<12%), unconciousness or death may occur very quickly and without warning. You should call them to make sure your location is safe too
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