This doctor is not one to deal with when your face or other exposed part of your anatomy is involved. Her primary training was as an ENT. Any MD or DDS,DMD can take a few courses and hang up a Plastic Surgeon shingle.\r
This lady creates a false sense of security for the patient and then proceeds to ""practice"" her procedures on unsuspecting victims for a hefty price. I have had 2 different procedures with unsatisfactory results. After consulting with a Board Certified physician, his comments on the results of one of her procedures were basically "" who did this to you""?\r
She will only offer lame responses such as ""you have no confidence in me"" when confronted by a displeased patient. Never her fault nor is there an offer of compensation. ( I would never let her do the procedure again..she can practice on other unsuspecting folks).\r
Make sure you do your homework...look for Board Certified Plastic Surgeons whose schooling has been in the study of Plastic Surgery throughout his/her training...not someone who received a degree in another specialty and got a certificate to mess with your face. Ask docs for photos of patients with before and after and MAKE SURE this doctor actually did the procedure. In fact, ask for names and numbers for patients and CALL THEM!!! \r
Also, ask you primary care physician for his/her recommendation for a qualified PS. Don't rely on some spa who has some doctor come in once a week to administer Botox and fillers unless you have checked them out thoroughly,\r
It is your body, face, nose etc. You deserve to have the best take care of you!!!\r
Buyer beware.\r
Good luck.\r