Im not quite sure what kind of facility is being ran here but this financial institution is absolutely the most backwards bank i have ever trusted my money with. Numerous times i have been wrongfully charged overdraft fees. When i call to get it straightened out i end up spending an hour arguing with someone who doesn't know what they are talking about, finally ending with them fixing their mistakes without so much as an apology. Most times i have to wait almost a week before anyone even responds. I thought it would just be easier to actually go into the bank instead of calling but i was very wrong. I was told that i needed to call because they could ""see"" more. Nobody in the building would do so much as lift a finger to help me. When a person's financial situation is being corrupted by their own bank and they are unable to even get decent service than it is time to move on. Whatever you do, do not trust your money with them, you will regret it.