I had an emergency appendectomy at this hospital recently. I stayed for 3 days after surgery and I want to say Doctor Patel and the nurse that helped me were wonderful .A very big thank you goes out to Ronica, Susie and the aide that helped ronica clean me up. thanks to the other nurses that the names have exscaped me. They were all wonderful and made my stay in a foreign out of town place a great success. I drive a tractor trailer with my husband and they even found a place to park the truck. Many thanks and if I am ever sick on the road again I hope it is where I can get to this hospital . WE NEED MORE NURSES LIKE RONICA AND SUSIE AND MORE DOCTORS LIKE DR.M.PATEL. thanks a million.
Pros: great nurses. great dr. patel.they do good work and watch out for you.