There is so much mistreatment of tenants. They will rush to get you into an apartment to get your money and then do nothing for you once you move in. I know one employee who shared his concerns after Ron shouted at and swore with the 'f' word more than once over the phone at various tenants in the office. The use of profanities at tenants and workers is not unusual. Ron ridicules half his tenants who request needed repairs behind their backs once he gets off the phone with them. Oneof their leasing agents was overheard saying, I hate working with stupid people."" It's too bad these 'stupid' people are the ones who make these guys rich with their rent. I bet they never thought of that. How well would their business run without rent money coming in. They are cheap. Walls are falling down, mold is rampant, carpet is decades old and they won't replace it, water seeps under the door stops, windows are broken without any urgency to fix them, and don't even ask for the a/c to be fixed as it won't happen. The board of health should inspect some of these apartments and see what is lurking behind that fresh paint.
Cons: all