I have read all the reviews on Kempsville Lake and I can say yes that there are a lot of ""children/young adults"" that are out of control and the parents are allowing the streets to raise them, but who are we to blame the management staff when I believe there is only three members on the staff and the streets are owned by the City of Virginia Beach. We as homeowers/residents of Kempsville Lake need to take our neighborhood back and the more we call the police the more patrols we will get and clear out the unwanted people in the community. How can we blame our association management staff for doing their jobs? Read the POA docs you got when you purchased your home, they are doing what they are supposed to be doing to keep the neighborhood a desirable place to live and keep our property values up. They do not work 24/7 and are not required to be security for our community. People complain about all the problems, but there is only a handful of us who have gone door to door to try to start the Neighborhood Watch program and the rest are too busy or not interested, so if we do not take interest in our own neighborhood how can be expect it to be a nice, quiet place to live? Its easier to blame someone else, but it is time that we come together as a community and get our ""nice"" neighborhood back. We all need to watch out for our neighbors and our neighborhood. If you see something is not right pick up the phone and call the police. Put our tax dollars to work. We need to pull together to clean up our neighborhood. Stop fighting against one another and come together and before we judge someone else we need to walk a mile in there shoes. If there wasn't a management staff to complain to who would we complain to? All I can say is we need to pull together as a community and take back our neighborhood.
Pros: Great location, Great home value appreciation
Cons: The amount of children not being supervised