I have recently become a fisherman on the Dolphin. It has been operating since 1947, I read the captain drove for two hours?.THIS IS AN EIGHTY-FIVE foot boat. ( expensive). If any of you have a boat, I am sure you realize for sixty dollars you can?t get too far. Well, I have fished the Gulf many times on party boats.Anyone who knows about fishing knows that a captain is NOT happy catching SHORT grouper, they don?t cross the dock. A captain willing to move and look for fish is an excellent captain. Deckhands DO throw pinfish overboard at the end of the day. To-go boxes for fish are usually provided at restaurants, not fishing boats. So as I said, I had to try the boat. I also found the former employee, based on the captain, is indeed a good captain. He has no problem with this flagging competitor, other than the fact that the trademark name of the business is being used. I noticed horrible spelling and grammatical errors. I don?t by live bait, I buy it. One might ask myself, not my self. One would READ reviews, not rear them There is no such thing as a pin fish, it is a pinfish. . A captain would fish more THAN move not then, as in past tense. The words ""were aloud"" indicates loud noises and not permission as in ?we?re allowed?. Sounds like you are a joy to fish with as well. Explain your motives about throwing my dead pinfish away. Perhaps they SMELL, they are DEAD? Good for you Dolphin on ridding yourself of an illiterate, ignorant customer.
Pros: excellent service, inexpensive, relaxing, comfortable, nature-filled
Cons: warm in the summer, but air-conditioned cabin