I went to Target today to buy a high end calculator that I needed for a math class that I'm taking. this particular calculator (TI-89) costs $150. You have to get an associate to use a key and unlock it, then they take it from the shelf straight to the register where they either ring it up themselves or hand it directly to the cashier. When I got home and pulled it out of the bag, I noticed that the back of the packaging had been cut open. Upon a closer examination, I could see that the entire package had been neatly cut in particular places allowing the product and the manual to be removed and replaced with little disturbance to the packaging. It was very cleverly done and all the cuts were done along the the factory seals. Once I finished examining the packaging I didn't even bother to look at the calculator itself, I went straight back to the Target from which I had made my purchase. I told the clerk at the "Guest Services" what had happened and she sent me back to get another one.During the time I was gone the manager claimed to have reviewed the security tapes and had located the clerk that initially sold me the old opened calculator and asked her what condition it was in when she sold it. Of course to save her self, instead of admitting that neither of us bothered to look, she declared that it was in pristine condition when she sold it. They also concluded that the video confirmed that the packaging was new and the time of purchase. (keep in mind that it wasn't sliced down the middle or anything obvious like that. After all, both me and the associate who sold it to me missed carefully made cut marks) The manager rips open the rest of the package thoroughly examines the calculator itself. This was the first time I had seen the actual product and I was MORTIFIED!!! It was filthy, the batteries were missing, and there was ink all over it. The manager refused to take it back.