This company really is a ripoff. They charge you an initiation fee which you think you are paying for the first month. Then they say you are in arrears after you try to close your account. You have to send them a notice 30 days in advance to cancel by mail. They have 2 different types of water. We asked for the electro lite water but only got the so called purified water. Our dog would not touch the stuff. \r
They tell you that you are paying for all the water you can drink in a month for the $44.41 they charge a month but when you try to order more they tell you there will be a $10 delivery fee. They charge you for a deposit for each bottle that you get. This has ended up costing us a fortune. We could have gone to Sams and bought a water dispenser and water for a year for what we have spent in the last 5 months and I'm sure we are not finished yet!
Pros: There was nothing pro about it
Cons: Everything