Ther're a very personable seemingly helpful bunch of folks. Heck, I understand they are an awesome place to buy a bike from. Here is the hitch, thier service department is joke to say the least. The entire service end (shop) of the business is miss managed to say the least. They have no concept of the truth and use very vague generalities of when your bike will be finished and when your parts will be in. My bike sat at there shop for nearly four months to be put back together, no real mechanic skills needed for the work on my bike, just swapping out parts. If you do business with these folks you're just asking for trouble. Take the time research all the surrounding bike shops, and find a good one. That was my mistake, I was new to the area when I decided to give them my business, at the time I didn't know anyone with quads that could steer me to a good shop. I decided not to tell the enitre story of what they did to me, b/c it is a rather lengthy tale. Save yourself the trouble and avoid doing business with these folks.
Pros: Very personable and polite
Cons: Can't Stop Lying, they will tell you what you want to hear without really doing any work.