I am a successful graduate of Isabella house. I now have 3 years clean and I owe much of my success to the staff of that facility. I am still in contact with many of them and call often to offer updates on how I am doing. ALL RECOVERY IS HARD WORK. Isabella house gave me an oppurtunity to change my life, they offered me support, helped me with my probation officer and all my legal problems, and helped me grow a HEALTHY baby. I fought with everybody when I first got there but about half way through I gave up and started to follow the program,. I think about somebody from there at least once everyday. I am glad that I went and wouldn't change a thing about my experience. kathleen huffman a grateful recovering young mom.\r
p.s. my baby was born while we were there. she was my first one and she was a 8 and a half pounder. I blame that on the wonderful weekend brunches! (they make really good food there!)
Pros: they help you with every problem you have
Cons: care front books are hard to deal with sometimes