i was taken to lutheran emergency room last night by ambulance. i told the triage i am extremely stressed out, talking to myself, havent been able to sleep a full seven days since jan, diabetic, suffer from hbp and a disease called lankin planus and seizures . i am 25 yrs old with a history of mental illness in my family . i expected to be put in a seperate place away from to many people and noise for a phychological evaluation instead i was put in a extremely crowded and noisy emergency room i suffered a seizure and past out in the emergency room and was left on the floor a patient came over to help me i hear nurses sayin nothing is wrong with her she is doing it for attention not one time did anyone check my name or check why i was in the er in the first place when i was able to walk i left the emergency room if any of you out there need medical help the last place you should go is lutheran
Cons: total lack of care and concern