You [Gallery of Wigs] have such a wonderful collection it was difficult to choose, but with your honesty and candor I feel I selected the most age, color and style appropriate wig that suits me to a ?T?. The upkeep of the wig is so easy it doesn?t take 5 minutes... It is so realistic and natural looking; people just assume it's my natural hair. I have had women ask me for my stylists' name and number and I just smile... I can't tell you how much it has lifted my self esteem and spirits. I no longer dread going out in public and fending off the stares, it has lightened my heart, put a bounce in my step and made me feel prettier than I did before I lost my hair. It truly has put a song in my heart and I sing it constantly - I feel pretty, Oh so pretty...... I look forward to seeing you in May when we come up to get me a new ?summer do?! God bless you and thank you for helping hundreds of women like myself in a dark time in their life. You are an angel!