If you love your pets, stay far, far away from this place. My kitten was killed by "Dr. I think I'm God" in front of me and my 8 year old son. When I refused to allow my kitten to be "put down" (his words, certainly not mine), he squeezed my kitten very hard and ruptured his bladder. I began crying and asked him to do surgery to repair the bladder and save my kitten. He told me to calm down or he would not even discuss treatment with me. I calmly looked at him and again asked him to do surgery to save my kitten. He looked at me and coldly said, "I could do surgery, but I won't" My kitten died in my hands within about 5 minutes. I could go on and on about the previous visit 4 days prior when I saw "Dr. I don't know / I'm not sure" but that won't bring my kitten back. All I can say is if you love your pets, never entrust their care to this clinic.