Was a long term patient. Multiple moles with long history of no changes, all of a sudden needed to be removed - including one in a private area that turned out to be no more than a skin tag. None ever turned out to have any basis for needing removal. A ""mole mapping"" machine is used, and all I ever saw was it come up in the yellow zone - never red (it's warning system). I'd swear pulling and stretching the skin from one mapping analysis to the next was the only basis for even a yellow - but that was enough to keep pushing for surgery. One, a simple sun spot that should have just been iced off, did not have the stitches taken out for a month - that from poor office staff communication - and I now have a large purple scar on my arm. Clearly - in her facial expression - she knew what had happened when she saw it. Further charges are not communicated well, get out of control for cosmetic treatments and ALWAYS very late on appointments. I finally gave up despite their location being perfect for me.
Pros: Very friendly, willing to look for and take off all the little things
Cons: Quick to surgery, poor communications, always very very late on appointments, expensive