Quite possibly the WORST steakhouse in Durham. Honestly never thought too highly of the old Cattleman's. Seemed like a local version of a Lone Star to some degree but I didn't mind eating there once in awhile. The new location is in an old Burger King and is proof you can't paint a warthog and make it into something nice. So I'll get it on out of the way and say I've been to the new location twice and that's it for me. The steaks on both occasions were thin and reminiscent of a Western Sizzlin'. I'd rate a typical Western Sizzler or Golden Corral as a much better value. Even my New York Strip had more of a cheap and thin ribeye look to it. The prices here are too high for what they offer and the vibe of the food overall is just not anything worth seeking in my opinion. At the risk of drawing some ire, the overall clientele fit in with things which is probably good because they are probably not as demanding as some, and are probably satisfied with things as they are. Nothing wrong with a business hitting the right demographic and knowing their customers. We aren't talking about fine dining here, but I did get the sense that this is a trailer park dweller's night on the town kind of place. I know that's harsh and I have nothing against mobile homes. Just calling it like I see it. One more thing, don't order the shrimp cocktail. You get just a few that taste like they are frozen and bought at the Kroger across the street.
Pros: Next to Wendy's and a new McDonald's.
Cons: I don't know if they are trying to be fine dining or fast food.