My sister-in-law got a 3D ultrasound done in Georgia and I was so amazed at the quality of the images, I just HAD to do it as well. Not to mention, we had already had four 2D ultrasounds done and were still unsure what gender our baby was. \r
I can't say I was completely disappointed with our experience, but I wasn't thrilled.\r
--Comfy Atmosphere\r
--Very Nice\r
--Images and DVD given w/out copy write so that you can copy and share with ease\r
--Convenient Appointment times. Can be seen after 5pm and even on Saturdays\r
--Seemed rushed. If you pay for 15 min THATS all you get !! 30 min...ALL you get, etc.\r
--Didn't think the images captured were worth the money spent (granted, baby was a bit shy....however, if a little more time would have been taken I think shots would have turned out better)\r
--Wasn't very gentle. To get the baby to move she kept shaking my stomach real hard with the probe (I left with quite a tummy ache)\r
--Watching the DVD was rather nauseating....mostly due to the fact that she kept shaking my stomach. Also because she seemed rushed, she didn't spend much time looking at any one area (was zoomin' that probe all across my belly). So I have to pause the DVD every few sec to see anything well\r
--Background music on DVD is very religious. SOME people may very well enjoy that, but I would have much rather listened to lullabies or pretty instrumental music. These days religion can be an extremely sensitive issue for many, I think a choice should be given; either religious, something different or no music at all !\r
--No coupons or anything listed online was given......I actually need to call because I wasn't even given the keepsake album that was part of the package I paid for.\r
Overall, we went there to find out the gender of our baby and accomplished that. However, I was happy that I didn't pay more than I did because I would have been even more disappointed! \r
The AD says ""Satisfaction Guaranteed"" .... i don't agree.