My primary care physician concluded that I had hyperthyroidism after my lab work came back a little haywire. After suffering insomnia worse that my normal episodes, extreme fatigue and rapid heart, I was told to see a specialist. My insurance company referred me to Dr. Mandry. I was seen quickly after filling out the typical pounds of paperwork and Dr. Mandry was in shortly after. He reviewed the information sent over by my physician and proceeded to question me about my symptoms and educate me on hyperthyroidism and treatment. We discussed my concerns with various treatment options. He decided that a thyroid scan was the first priority and prescribed me a beta-blocker for my heart symptoms. In check-out, the staff was beyond friendly. Providing me with pamphlets and small-talk, they scheduled my appointment for the thyroid scan and my follow-up visit with Dr. Mandry. I was very pleased with everything that transpired during my visit.