My son Robbie Bridges was put to rest. 12 years ago today. May 9 th,. 1996 , Robbie was only 19 yrs young and passed away with Lukemia. Robbie Bridges was a good , loving, caring, and very special to me. I miss Robbie today as if it just happened. I know that my feelings at the time was like being in shock and the People that took care of Robbie and put him to rest did a wonderfull Job and was very understanding and helpfull in many ways. I can not tell you how much it ment to me and his mother. All I know is Robbie is being taken care of here as well as above. May God Bless you all , Thanks for taking the time to read this . \r
Robbie Bridges father Bob ps. My heart will never heal and I pray for Robbie s mother Brenda Bridges and know that she was a great mother and took care of him till the end.