Following an auto accident, for which I was uninsured but not at fault and never convicted of any moving violation, I never heard back from the other driver's insurance company. Shame on me- I screwed up. I went to court where I paid my fine for driving uninsured- and as for the accident itself- nobody showed up in court to complain against me and the judge dismissed it. SIX MONTHS LATER I began receiving threatening and verbally abusive calls from this firm, demanding that I agree immediately to make payment arrangements on my ""seriously delinquent account"" which I had no clue even existed without ever having received a statement or anything in writing. I asked for an itemized statement of all of the supposed charges. After being told that one would be mailed later that day, it took several weeks (all the while receiving several calls per day) to receive anything in the mail. Instead of a detailed statement, I received a very vague letter showing my ""delinquent balance"" and demanding immediate payment for charges whose origins remain to this day unspecified. These people want over $7K from me and expect me to agree to make payments on it without even knowing what a thin dime of this money has been spent on. I've actually wondered if they hadn't just somehow learned about my accident through an outside source and tried to capitalize on it by using scare tactics based on the information they have.
Pros: Provide a good example of how NOT TO try and collect a debt from anyone with half a brain.
Cons: Too many to list here- read my review.