The APM reviews, It was like reading my own notes. Certainly I do believe different people are writing these reviews, how else could any one individual come that close to what I've experienced in reality. This Company not only treats individuals with disrespect, even select Board Members, they also hire individuals on the Association's payroll to do their work of managing the complex, (so the Association pays x2 for the work being performed), they also hire friends to do below par work at the complex, ie: landscapers, masons, etc. and fight tooth and nail to keep them on board. They are liars. The accounting dept. does not properly function in any capacity. APM also unilaterally and unlawfully changes language in pre-existing or pre-approved contracts, without the consent of the BOD/Association. As for nyyfan... it's only slanderous, when the information is ""false"" (dumb-dumb). // surfrunner26... try not to use to many big words, nyyfan may not understand you.