If you consider yourself a person who loves Mexican food and frequents places La Perla, La Fuente & Botanas, do yourself a favor and visit this restaurant. It simply has the best food out of every single Mexican restaurant in the Milwaukee area. The menu consists of authentic regional Mexican dishes, but they also have a nice selection of Americanized dishes like tacos, enchiladas and burritos. The chips and salsa are fresh, the rice and beans served with most meals are great, and the Casa Margaritas are cheap, delicious and strong. Jalapeno Loco is often overlooked because of its location on the South Side; a fact that some people don't mind, because there are less hassles finding parking. Perhaps this review seems biased, but I myself did not appreciate Jalapeno Loco until I had visited most of the other Mexican restaurants in Milwaukee county. Couple this with the fact that it was one of the favorite Mexican restaurants of the late Dennis Getto and you know you have a winner. It is clearly a cut above the rest.
Pros: Good traditional and regional dishes
Cons: Sometimes a long wait on weekends