Paul Pina knows how to make you look young and feminine not punky or old-lady like. I'm 49 years old and I always ask haircutters to make me look feminine, make my hair look full, and make me look chic. They usually do what they want and the next thing I know, I either have a butch, punky short cut or look so old, ordinary and unsexy, that I feel like I should be wearing a ""retired"" sign across my chest, wearing polyester pants and yelling out bingo numbers! It's horrible to look in the mirror and feel you look old and drab just from a blech cut. Paul looked at the pictures I showed, looked at the shape of my head, and the texture of my hair -and told me exactly what he was going to do before he did it. No surprises. Now my hair is full and falls naturally, shows off my eyes, and I look feminine, young, and classy.