Not to be confused, these are the same proprietors that operate the location at Fullerton and Western. My Heading says it all, ""avoid this place at all cost."" In all fairness, if you are looking for books on security, becoming a novice detective or purchasing toy guns, children's spy toys, then this is the place to visit. If you are looking for high tech equipment so you can live out your James Bond, Austin Powers or CIA Operative dream, this store is not the place for you. Truthfully, their electronic items are a rip-off. Aside from the fact their merchandise is marked-up literally 200%, they of course have a ""All Sales Final"" policy. So, if the electronic item they sell you does not operate up to par you can bring it back for a store credit. Great! What the hell am I going to do with a store credit when all the items they sell are rip-offs. And good luck getting any tutorials or assistance with the electronics you buy. Half the sales team in there can't fully explain the functionality of some of their items. One honest employee commented, ""I wouldn't buy that particular item because it has been known to break down."" I'm not saying these guys are crooks. They are making an honest living just selling wannabe spy or so-called surveillance type electronics. The items that they do sell worthy of high-end surveillance type electronics are so grossly overpriced that a consumer can find it online and not have to pay their 200% markup. Also in my last two visits where I've had to return items {do you see a trend here?}, there were also other customers entering the store making returns as well. And it's not like this store does heavy volume. Please learn from my mistake so you are not stuck with a $300 store credit where the only cool thing worth purchasing are their brass knuckles which they have for sale. Even those brass knuckles are egregiously over priced!
Pros: Great Spy toys for a young kid who aspires to be Austin Powers. ""Judo CHOP!!""
Cons: Not a James Bond store. Items are grossly marked-up 200%