BWK has some great teacher and a beautiful yard with farm animals. Do not expect any support for your family. The school as a whole is very judgemental about parenting style. They do not offer any sort of preferential treatment for siblings so if you have been paying the exhorbinant tuition for 2 years and need care for your younger child so that you can return to work - don't expect them to give you the open spot if the teacher / administrators would prefer a 1 year old in the toddler class over a 2 year old. Don't expect any support toward the parent's relationship either. Get in an argument with your spouse and an assistant teacher will ask your spouse on a date - or maybe if your lucky it will be the founder of the school and then you can live on the farm too. Parent night has never happened on the planned date so don't bother trying to plan to attend if it involves any scheduling at all.