I am a makeup junkie and always want to learn more. I love the smokey eye look, expecially, but when I try, I look like I have 2 black eyes. Everytime I go to Sephora, I spent hundreds on makeup, but never really use the colors. A makeup lesson made sense for me, but i tried one once, and it really didn't help. I thought i should try again and after days of reasearching the web, Shara had the most positive responses to her makeup lesson. This girl needs to write a book. She is so patient and didn't talk down to me. I went to Sephora with her and we picked out amazing colors that I actually know how to use. It really is all about the brushes. I never could do my eyeshadow the way the pros do it, and when I do it now, it actually looks polished and good. After spending so much money and useless makeup, it just made sense to book this lesson and I think every makeup junkie should give it a go. Money well spent, and I though her rates were reasonable.
Pros: Now I know how to use makeup (especially on my eyes) and I look polished.
Cons: I didn't find any