Obviously the people writing the great reviews own YAS, and are on the desperate, self promotion band wagon as they get ready to unleash their uninspirational workout monster on L.A. Getting "YASED" simply means mundane, repetitive, non inspirational yoga, coupled with the same old spun spin. No imagination or variation. If you've had a lobotomy, are mentally challenged, or know nothing about yoga and spinning, then this is the place for you. There?s nothing like doing yoga to the ?Smashing Pumpkins? to get centered. The environment is as cold as the staff and the moves as rigid as the personalities. And if you are drawn to self indulgent, self absorb instructors (sans a few) that are like step ford wives in their approach to spinning and yoga, then go to Yas.
Pros: you can leave
Cons: repetitive...always the same