So, my friend and I see a listing on Craigslist, not realizing that we would be shafted into a realty firm. A nice, young girl showed us apartments and (WOOPS) accidentally showed us the best one telling us there was no brokers fee when there was. Of course we couldn't let it go. We are signing with guarantors, which the landlord and the broker knew. We have been through hell getting them the forms they need, getting them MORE FORMS they didn't ask for in the first place. Our broker has NEVER CALLED US in the week we have been scrambling over this. We have called her 5+ times a day with no answer. She is consciously avoiding our calls. We are supposed to sign the lease tomorrow, but who knows what kind of mess they will pull on us before then. Hopfully we aren't homeless after May 1. I'll keep you all posted.
Pros: Show nice apartments
Cons: lie about fees, will not return or acknowledge phone calls, takes too long, not commited to your business