If you only knew what really goes on in that place. The dogs are not truly cared for it is an illusion they are put in unsanitary 4foot by 4foot kennels and forced to sit in their own mess. The puppy play time is a joke your dogs are taken out 1 time a day if lucky and tied to a post and some kid with no training pets or just sits there with your pet for 10 min or less. There are trainers there that truly love to work with dogs and there are some who are just there to fill there pockets (if you could see how some trainers there train Protection and AOC you would be enraged). The management is only there for your money they DO NOT CARE for your pet only your Cash. They say there is a vet but I never saw one in my time there and I saw many sick dogs they just pump meds into the dog and charge you for a Vet charge and meds. They also say that someone is in the building 24 hr's a day this is a lie go check your dog from 8pm to 12am the place is empty. I had to leave this place I wanted to help but I was over whelmed by the mess and could not take seeing dogs put thru that kind of treatment. Some one needs to shut them down and keep them from ever having any further contact with the pets of Houston.
Pros: a few good trainers and a few good kennel people but not enough to make a difference.
Cons: the manegment and the lies and the lack of cleanliness