I cannot explain the popularity of Ratzsche's. They try to dress up good German fare but only succeed in burying what would otherwise be decent food in fancy culinary constumes. The results -- for a German at least -- is just plain silliness (and at a high price too). The staff exudes phony friendliness and at least in my case, was inattentive. The waitress had learned her lines well, but a robot would have done just as good a job -- probably better, for a robot could probably correctly pronounce ""Spatzle."". Germans would find the decor a cariacature of a German restaurant, and by the way, if you speak German, you will find Ratzsche's German unusual and sometimes downright wrong (e.g., ""Hoxen"" instead of ""Haxen""). Maybe it's the beer (which I didn't sample) that brings the customers in. It certainly can't be the food. Or maybe some people just enjoy paying exorbitant prices for average fare.