I apologize for the grammatical errors...im in a hurry and want to set things straight. This restaurant is amazing. Kathy Jenkins plays favorites for whoever gives her the special treatment aka Doug Anderson. funny how you reviewed nick and eddy after a whole month and a half that it was open yet reviewed meritage the DAY THEY OPENED. Also you wrote things repetitively...do your job don?t go off past reviews. Finally to the people who had a bad time. things happen. that?s life. don?t be ignorant and think you know everything about what it takes to work fine dining. I know what it takes and sometimes accidents happen. Russell and Desta try to make it right when it does happen. Those that think this is anything but a great restaurant know nothing. Lastly to the woman with the kid, you were lying because I was there and I was a diner that night. You can?t actually believe the things you say. You sat there and let your child wail away thinking the problem would correct itself all night. Would you do this at a movie theatre? A play? A library? Most of those things don?t cost a lot of money. Dining does. How would you feel if you put up a hundred dollars of hard earned money and went out for your anniversary only to have a baby scream and wail all night? If I were you id stick to Applebee?s for know. Use common sense and not stupidity. selfish people like you disgust me.
Pros: Everything. The owners, the kitchen and the wait staff...especially the val kilmer look alike
Cons: nada