Orkin is the greatest customer service company when you are panicked from having uninvited guests in your home. They are so friendly, and provide immediate extermination services. The first visit, they allegedly stuffed holes that no rodents could ever get through (and it only took the rodents about two weeks to do just that). Re-Stuff, pests break right through. They made multiple visits, never being available again in less than three days (one time I had to wait over one week) with a service agreement. We finally caught some critters when we went to Home Depot, purchased our own old-fashioned traps, set them out with fresh peanut butter and cheese, and within days, had some thwarted pests. All of Orkins weak glue traps, black pellet boxes did nothing to stop the pests from their routine. Home Depot is much cheaper, and did the trick.
Pros: They show up for routine visits to be paid under contract
Cons: YOu have to get the pests yourself