I've been trying to a parking pass for the downtown area for a couple of years now. Everyone else has a long wait. Finally I hear of parking being avaliable at the rivercenter garage, so I go to sign up. Next thing I know they are putting me in a parking lot across the street. So for 70 bucks a month I get to park in a lot with no security, and no lighting. (well, except what reflects off the towering garage across the street) I park the next day, my parking card doesn't work. So the guy lets me in anyway, with a ticket from the machine. Says to tell the night attendant what happened so I don't have to pay. I pull in , potholes galore. Then, I go to leave that night and the attendant waves me through. Same thing happens the next night, only no attendant at all. So basically I'm paying for free parking!!!
Cons: everything