After a little online research, Advanced Tint seemed to have the best price and the tint came with a warranty, but the service was only so-so. The FIRST time I took my car in he did not take the rubber molding along the bottom of the window out so I discovered a week later that I couldn't roll any of my windows down. After getting my driver's side window down, I realized that it had scratches in the tint so I had to go back and have him redo it and fix the others so I could roll them down. The SECOND time I came in, I arrived at the time agreed upon over the phone and had to wait twenty minutes for him to show up because he had run to get some food. Again, I waited a week to try to roll the driver's side window down and it rolled down, but still has scratches. I was pleased he was so willing to fix not being able to roll my windows down and replace the driver's side tint, but was very unpleased with attitude and level of professionalism.
Cons: Poor service and professionalism