I have mixed feelings on this school. I sent my son there for one year. I was very happy with the teachers of this school and how clean it was. However, the owner...(the first person you see at the desk when you walk in) is down right rude. You have to catch her on a good day and maybe you would get a hello. She would yell at the teachers right in front of the parents AND THE KIDS. That made me feel very uncomfortable. Plus I don't yell like that around my son, so it made feel uneasy to know that he would see that behavior at any given time. I continued to send my son there because of the great interaction that I saw my son was getting from the teachers. However as time went on I noticed how much the owner would try to nickle and dime you. The tuition is very expensive and you would think that with how much they are charging they would at least provide both snacks. But they require you to bring in snacks for the whole class sometimes twice a month. I also was required to pay THREE registration fees of 150 - 175. By the third one is when I decided to send my son somewhere else. I now send my son to a school where the tuition is half the price of what I paid there and it includes lunch AND both snacks. He still gets the love and affection that he had at the other school and he is learning exactly the same. I don't think I would recomend this school to anyone else. You can get the same quality care and education at another school.