Hands-On Massage and Wellness Center rocks!!
I have known Jason and Mel for a while now and they are the most genuine and caring people that I know.
Jason has always been very dedicated in everything he does and it is this dedication and his overwhelming knowledge of anatomy, muscle mechanics, and movement that makes him such a great therapist. He transfers all of that knowledge through his skilled and experienced hands to make, literally, life changing results.
I have lived my life, taking my body for granted. Playing sports 4-5 times a week for countless hours and not really allowing my body to recover. Making my muscles compensate for those that are already overworked. Over time I had developed some nasty knots in my legs and back that really set me back. For a while when I crossed my legs and the side of my calf muscle would rest on my knee bone, I would almost jump out of my seat in pain.
When I heard about the center opening in Millbrae, I jumped at the chance to see him, since he was now much closer to where I live and work. When he started to work on my calf, in particular my soleus, he said it felt like an alien in my leg. That is how bad it was. He also told me it is the second most painful muscle to work on. And he was soooo right. But after two sessions, I was ready to give him my first born that is how much of a difference he made. It was literally, life changing. I could play sports again and cross my legs without grimacing. God it feels good!
What is even more impressive is all the manners in which he has helped me to avoid the pain from coming back. Showing me stretching techniques, using tools, like the Stick, to work on those areas on my own, recommending salt baths, and even helping me change some of my motions when I play sports.
I will always be indebted to him and continue to go back to work on other problem areas and get recommendations on how to move and function better and with less pain.
Pros: Great setting, easy to find, comfortable surroundings.