Ok so, my boyfriend created her website and for payment, he asked her for a gift certificate which he gave me for Christmas! I finally called her and set something up. My first treatment was a body glow polish. Altho I'm a massage therapist myself, I've never had anything like that before and it felt great! You could poke me with a needle right now and it would just bounce off i'm so supple lol ;o) We clicked right away and she is so cool. No cool isn't the word. There is NO word to describe how awesome she is! And to top it all off, I found out I know her mom who is also mega cool! This chick, I hope, is going to be my new best friend! haha! I don't get out enough and because of her, I'm going to this dinner this Tuesday for a benefit for the Lake Humane society (which I already volunteer/ed for and support! All three of my little munkin bunkins I adopted thru them!) She is so unbelievably inspirational and she motivated me to lose the fear on starting MY OWN business instead of working for some other salon... and what am i doing working as a secretary now?!?!? I've been licensed for almost 2 years! Yeah yeah, i just met her in person for the first time today, but I definitely see great things in the future! I just know we were totally meant to meet.. (I don't care if that sounds weird/gay/whatever/ ::insert silly word here::) See ya Tuesday and next weekend and next next next weekend!!! hee hee!! !! I still have to come up with a fabulous word to describe how amazing you are...
Pros: Her personality and glow, the diverse selection of services she offers, the way she makes you want to come back for more, brown sugar (candle or lotion? not sure)
Cons: This shouldn't even be an option when associated with Natalie.