My 2 children (7 & 3) attend the center and everyday I am thankful for the fabulous care they receive and the piece of mind I carry with me throughout the day knowing my kids are in excellent hands. With many things in life, I am fairly low maintenance. However, with my children, I am that hyper-concerned, pain in the neck, neurotic stalker type that you occasionally meet and wonder how they haven't spontaneously combusted. Actually, let me clarify, I am that freak EXCEPT when my kids are at Whales, Snails. Bill and Judy, the owners, are wonderful people who run a smooth operation with warmth and professionalism. Their choice of staff reflects the high standards under which the center operates. Turnover is rare and I have really liked all my children's teachers. My daughter has had the same teacher since she arrived in kindergarten. My son's teachers are likewise still there but one. I find it incredibly comforting, as do the kids, that they see familiar caring faces day, week, month a