I was a past employee at this facility and from the outside looking in it is a pretty nice place. I left Shady Oaks soon after being there by choice. I had a student in my room who had been sick for a majority of the day. I informed my superiors and my students situation was disregaurded. After lunch her tempature read one hunded-one degrees ( for toddleers that is very serious). After her tempature was read her parents were still not informed.... I was totally against that but was not authorized to call parents, only my superiors could and they choose not to. WHY? I am not sure as to why. When her mother had come to pick her up later that evening I told her about Madison's tempature. When her mother asked me how long she'd been running that temp. and why she hadn't been called I was shooed away. They LIED AND SAID THEY HAD JUST READ IT 15 MINUTES PRIOR. Out of concern for the child seeing as though I am A mother of two I informed her of what really had happened incase she needed medical attention. Days later the mother withdrew her child and I felt lots of tension because of that. I never denied the fact that I told because I had to do what I knew was best and that was the consequense. SHADY OAKS LEARNING CENTER lacks the ABILITY to do the right thing to do when it comes to OUR CHILDREN...\r