Over $200.00 later, still no results. I took my female into see the vet. She has been sick for 3 days. She can't control her bladder, started vomitting the 3rd day, and now #2 is watery and green from grass. My family believed it was a bladder infection. I took her in the assistant took a stool sample. Without the results of that another assistant came in and said the dr. recommends a urinary and bloodtest. UNDERSTANDABLE! and an XRAY! and antiboitics. It wil be $491.00. All I could say was no!. Luckily, my boyfriend was there (he is a little more reasonable) He asked don't you think we get the results for the Fical test first.?!?! Long story short we got the antibiotics, and they gave her 2 shots. Then they said I couldn't be there!!!! YEAH RIGHT! Iv'e had this dog from day 1!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I bred her) You not taking my dog to the back without me. The vet agreed I could be there then the assistant came in. It will be another $10.00. Why???FOr the room because you want to be here and we have a wait. (2 people in the waiting room) Mind you I waited in the waiting room for an hour but was only in the room for 20 minutes. I still don't know whats wrong with my dog and I refuse to have them take 10 million tests when he probably has an idea of what is going on. Im hoping the antibiotics help...she did stop vommitting and the #2 thing....if not I will be seeing another vet today.