Gary your an idiot. Your story is nothing but a series of lies and nonsense. Everyone at the Cantina is trilled you no longer come in there. We thought about having a party when we kicked you out. What Bobby did was hilarious, and you went to the Police for and claimed he was trying to extort you. I was there when you tipped him a dime and you knew it cause you said you would tip more but didnt want to break a $20 bill. To make things worse, it was Christmas Eve and you gave Bobby the dime and said Merry Christmas. Not to mention the fact that you never tip more than 50 cents and you stick around for hours. The place is so much better without you telling sexist jokes to the wait staff and customers. Also, how about you take that dead raccoon off your head, you arent fooling anyone with the hair piece. And what does anything have to do with you being a Veteran?
Pros: Gary is gone! Great food, great service, great location, great people!
Cons: Gary is still on the island.