Big dissapointment....rude service. Living in providence, I have high expectations for quality food and friendly service. I anticipated Carmine's would be up to par with Federal Hill in both. I was driving my parents through Lincoln, helping them find an apartment and figured we'd try Carmines on a Saturday evening. I expected a long wait at the bar, but was excited to find only one full table in the whole restaurant. The maitre d' refused to seat us around 7pm, stating ""You need a reservation before 9pm. After that we take walk-ins"". I walked away disgusted and called one of my favorite restaurants ""CAV"" and was seated immediately despite how busy it was. Long story short-- stay away from 'chain restaurants' like Carmine's if you are used to fine dining. I read that Carmines hours have been cut to being open only on weekends. I bet even that will end soon. For exceptional Italian, Try Pizzico on Hope St. Rated best in RI!