I am in a home with multiple cats. I have one particular cat, Miles, who has been ill for several months. My partner and I had taken Miles to Pacifica Pet Hospital many times to try to find out why he has been so ill. He has dropped several pounds over the past couple of months, his mouth (gums) were very dark red and in recent weeks began sleeping A LOT. At the visits to this faciity Miles was seen by Dr. Steve Randle. At these visits nobody could tell us what was going on with him. The did a dental back in September so we weren't understanding why there was a problem starting a month later. At these visits Dr. Randal did as little as he possibly could to band-aid our concern. We were told by Dr. Randal that Miles has a heart condition that requires medication. After many visits to this facility and seeing no change in Miles we took him to a vetenary specialist and what they found was interesting and alarming. MILES DOESN'T HAVE A HEART CONDITION THAT REQUIRES MEDICATION! The medication that Dr.Randle prescribed him was causing his liver and kidneys to malfunction! THEY WERE KILLING OUR CAT IN A SLOW MANNER! His visit with the specialist was today. They flushed his system of the medications and already shows improvement. He has to have some teeth pulled but that's all that is wrong with this cat. Animals are like small children and can't defend themselves, it is our duty as their parents to do so. It enrages me to see animals neglected BY DOCTORS because they are too lazy or dont have the care or concern to get up and find out why these animals are ill. Tomorrow we are removing ALL of our babies from this facilities care. If we are going to pay HUNDREDS of dollars in pet bills I would rest A LOT easier knowing they are being cared for by someone that cares as much as we do...Not by a bunch of money hungry, lazy, rude...and quiet mindless people that get the luxury of calling themselves a professional.