Barbara I am sorry that you had a bad experience with someone on the phone in response to your attempts to save the sparrow- unfortunately Massachusetts state law does not allow every veterinarian to treat wildlife- you legally have to have been granted a special license to do so- that may have been why you were told we dont "see wildlife". what we CAN legally do however- and usually will do- is take the animal in and then transport it ourselves on our own free time to the New England Wildlife Rehab center in Weymouth- where the animal can legally recieve the care and attention that it needs. (just 2 days ago an injured wild rabbit was brought in and transported over by an employee) Barbara it is unfortunate that you had this experience but I can say that is not true for the majority of our staff and in general we certainly do everything we can to help both wildlife and domestic animals. Our staff is here because we all love animals- we wouldnt be working here if that wasnt the tr