I have never been into this place without having problems. You'd think i learned after the second time. My biggest problem is with Geek Squad. Not only do they have THE WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE but they also do not know what they are doing. Every time I have gone in the line is held up to 40 minutes because they cannot locate some one's property. Just recently I paid them to fix my lap top only to get it back after over a month. after a week of bringing it to them they tell me that they were still waiting on my power cord , which i had already brought in, then concluded on it wasn't finished yet. a few days later I went to get it once again, and it took them 40 minutes to tell me it wasn't finished yet. after about two weeks of school with no computer I went in and they told me that i have to restart the comp. from scratch loosing all my data but they would restore it for 100 dollars. this is something that I could have done from the beginning and saved 300 dollars and two weeks of my time. I said no and that I just wanted my comp. back but it turns out that it was IN WORSE CONDITION THEN WHEN I BROUGHT IT. Having no chice I had to purchase a back up disk, a few days later they call me to tell me that its a hard ware problem and they have to send it out. IIII HHHAATTTEEE THHIISSS PPPLLACEEEEE. GOOD LUCK...but you should consider the computer restoration place on auroura by Green
Cons: Service